Martes, Nobyembre 12, 2013


The Tausugs or people in Sulu still practice age-old marriage customs. Marriages were arranged by the parents so that the young couple would be married even if they did not have much opportunity to get acquainted. A dowry is go to the bride's family by the groom's family. This dowry may be in the form of crops, work animals, land, money or pieces of jewelry.


The Tausug men wears tight fitting pants and shirt, a sash around the waist and a matching turban. Their clothes are made of cotton which they weave locally. Oftentimes, men shave their heads or cut their hair short of signify their social status. The women wear matching sarong of the Malay type. They wear brass accessories to their blouses or use as necklace or bracelets.


Pagpasihil (Courting)  The parents of man will ask to the parents of woman if she is single or can be married.
Pagpangasawa (Proposing  of  man to woman) The parents of man will go to the house of woman to ask the hand of woman for married the dowry is also being agreed by the parents.
Pagturul tayma (Engagement) In this occasion the amount of the money or dowry is announce to the public and the date of the wedding is set.
Pgtyaun (Wedding) This day is complemented by the joyuos  faces, colorful attire, and glittering pieces of jewelry worn by both the host and the guest.

         After brides father had given the consent, solemnization shall takes place.part of the process is that, The solemnization imam will lead the groom into the brides quarter where by the grooms thumb shall have to be firmly pressed into the spot between the brides eye brows. This completed the ritual solemnization,.


     In the day of wedding you can see a lot of tausug food delicacy like tyulah itum which you can only find in sulu province....And the attendees and guest worn a beautiful dresses and gold, You can also see a different  kind of decoration in the said event...
                                                                                                           TAUSUG KAME..!


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